Child Developmental Milestones (months 4-6)

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Developmental milestones are steps that babies take in their stages of fast-paced growth. If you have not read the last blog post for babies months one to three, you can read it here.

All babies are different, and premature babies will be behind in this process. Please consider this while looking for your baby’s developmental milestones.

As previously discussed in the last blog, milestones can be separated into three major categories:

  1. motor development,
  2. language development, and
  3. social and emotional development.

Now, you will see your baby begin to respond to their name, sit up by themselves, and smile at affection.

Month 4

Motor development skills include

  • Child plays with toys
  • Can bring their hands to mouth
  • Can hold their head steady without support
  • May reach for their feet while lying on back

Language development skills include

  • Babbling sounds that may not be any consonant sounds yet
  • Listens and responds to being talked to
  • Reacts to loud or sudden sounds

Social and emotional development skills include

  • May cry when social interaction or playing stops
  • Copies smiling and frowning and other faces when seeing others express
  • Responds to affection
  • Watches closely and makes eye contact


Month 5

Motor development skills include

  • Most babies will have more than doubled their weight
  • Chews on hands or other object put near mouth
  • Rolling over from front to back
  • Pushes to their elbows from lying on stomach
  • Child reaches for toys out of reach

Language development skills include

  • May begin to try and mimic sounds heard
  • May cry in different ways for different needs

Social and emotional development skills include

  • recognizes familiar faces
  • May begin to cry when you leave the room
  • Repeated actions that cause a reaction


Month 6

Motor development skills include

  • Sitting up alone
  • Your baby is sleeping 11 to 14 hours every 24 hours
  • Rolls from front to back
  • Trying to crawl soon
  • May be bouncing when held in a standing position
  • Eye sit should be close or at 20/20

Language development skills include

  • Beginning to string vowel sounds together
  • Making specific sounds for different emotions
  • Babbling consonant sounds like “m” or “b”

Social and emotional development skills include

  • Your baby likes to look at herself in the mirror
  • Responds to their name
  • Responds in some way if they do not recognize someone


The range for babies during months 4 through 6 can have very similar changes. Some babies will develop certain milestones earlier than others or later than others, and that is okay. Some things could be a cause for concern and should lead you to call your pediatrician.

After six months, if your baby…

  • Does not respond to sound
  • Can’t make any sounds
  • Is not gaining weight
  • Is unable to roll over or push themselves up on elbows
  • Does not respond to affection
  • Does not attempt to reach and play with items around them
  • Can not move their head easily and steady
  • Has not made any happy sounds like giggles or smiling
  • Has difficulty getting things to their mouth

Please be sure to act early by talking to your baby’s doctor with any questions or concerns. It is important to remember that premature babies will naturally be behind with the developmental milestones, but if something seems out of the ordinary, don’t hesitate to talk to a professional.

Caring for your baby is important to you, and it is important to us as well.

The and the American Academy of Pediatrics provide free Child Developmental Milestone Checklists for you to print and keep track of your baby’s growth! Contact us to learn more and schedule an appointment.